Author Archives: Adrian Walker

Agenda 08/01/18


1. Open session – 15 minutes

2. Apologies for absence

3. Members declarations of Interests

4. Police report – notes from the neighbourhood alert bulletins

5. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on 4th December 2017

6. Correspondence

7. Short Ferry de-fibrillator

8. Matters for discussion or noting from minutes of the last meeting

a) Recording of meetings

b) Flood mitigation – Cllr Wall

9. Accounts – clerk

a) Income and expenditure since last meeting

b) Approval of payments

c) Reserves and balances

d) Accounting software/laptop update

10. Planning matters – Cllr Roberts

a) 137060 Church View Crescent

b) Development proposal 7 Acre Farm

11. Planters and signs for village gateway’s, progress report – clerk

12. To receive the observations of District and County Councillors

13. Matters for inclusion on next agenda

14. To confirm the date and time of the next meeting