Neighbourhood Plan FAQ
The Localism Act 2011 introduced a number of measures intended to hand more power to local communities to decide what happens in their area. One of these measures was the Neighbourhood Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan is prepared by a Parish Council in consultation with the community. It will contain policies for the future use and development of land. The Plan must be based on evidence and must be in accordance with national planning law and the local plan for the area. It will be subject to an independent examination and a local referendum. If more than 50% of the votes are in support of the Plan, it will become a statutory planning document and will be used when deciding planning applications. A Neighbourhood Plan cannot be used to stop development, but provides an opportunity for us all to decide the best way for the village to move forwardmple Description
The idea is to plan development in the village for the following 20 years. It is intended to grow the village in a sustainable and controlled manner. To cater for our older population for which 20 years is a long time and just as importantly we need to cater for the current families with young children aged from 5 to 15, so that when these children become young adults they have a choice, which is whether they want to stay and live in the village to raise their own families or not. Currently our young people don’t have this choice and therefore have to leave the village. The Plan is also designed to address other problem areas highlighted by residents, such as Traffic, Flooding, and Recreation, to make Fiskerton a village we can all enjoy living in and where others will want to join us.mple Description
No. Neighbourhood Planning is about shaping development of a local area in a positive manner. It is not a tool to be used to prevent development proposals from taking place. It should reflect local and national policies. Neighbourhood Plans are not able to promote less development than set out in the Local Plan or undermine its strategic policies. A Neighbourhood Plan can be used to ensure that any development is in line with the wishes of the local people and is sympathetic to local need.
No. There are a number of conditions that will need to be met:
They must have regard to national planning policy;
They must be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the local development plan;
They must be compatible with EU laws and human rights obligations.
When the plan has been produced, it will have to be considered by an independent examiner to ensure that it is legally compliant and consistent with these requirements.
Following the independent examination, a local referendum will be held so that the whole community has the opportunity to vote on whether or not to adopt the plan. A majority vote (more than 50%) of the local community is needed to progress the plan towards adoption by the District Council as part of its Local Development Framework.
The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group consists of members from the Parish Council and residents from throughout Fiskerton.
Not exactly, the construction of additional dwellings and industrial sites can put pressure on the existing infrastructure, roads, traffic and drainage concerns are a high priority. Professional advice is needed to provide documentary evidence that the concerns of residents have been identified and have received due consideration.
Yes there has been a series of public meetings, open forums and letter drops and other consultations. We have been told that the amount of consultation undertaken is well above the average for Neighbourhood Plans in Lincolnshire and elsewhere generally. More detail is contained within the plan.
No, the land around Fiskerton is under the ownership of the Church Commissioners. It is expected they will develop a plan in agreement with the PC and West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) as Local Planning Authority, (LPA).The landowners will then sell land to developers who in turn will apply to WLDC, as LPA for final planning approval. WLDC will be obliged to follow Neighbourhood Development Plan guidance if it is adopted. (There could be more than one developer).
At this point no one knows. If the neighbourhood plan is adopted, its Policies and guidelines take effect immediately. However whether a developer wants to buy the land, whether there is a demand for houses in Fiskerton and whether people want to make their home in Fiskerton will be dependent on the future housing market forces.
All options were considered and assessed during May/June 2014;
Development to the West was ruled out at that time as not being the most sustainable in planning terms and taking into consideration the results of the earlier Parish Plan. Building towards the North West and West towards other villages was to be resisted to allow Fiskerton to retain its own identity. In addition the landowners said that the land to the west was not available for development.
Development to the South was ruled out as being too close to the Southern flood plain
An exclusion zone exists around the Primetake factory restricting development to the Northwest
Available land to the North of Ferry Road was assessed as the most sustainable site within the village in planning terms and therefore was identified as a prime site. The landowners also advised that this site was available for development in the short term.
Following public consultation developing to the west was re-considered and put in the draft plan as an option. In September 2016 the Church Commissioners said that all their land in the Fiskerton area was available for development.
That is what is proposed within the plan to ensure Fiskerton remains a sustainable community in future, but development may be phased according to demand over the 20 year life of the Plan.
That figure is the anticipated growth. It is not a maximum number and developers are not constrained by it as they will want to make their projects viable, sustainable and profitable.
When land is deemed as building land its value increases significantly. Some of this value can be transferred to the community enabling the community to finance infrastructure improvements. Planning gain in Fiskerton could be that the ownership of the paddock land in the centre of the village is given to the community for public recreational use and will probably be maintained by the parish council. Maintenance of the paddock could be sustained by a housing levy, paid by the developer through WLDC.
Yes it will. Prospective developers will be expected to consider this when they apply for planning consent and will have to produce a survey to prove how they plan to design out any problems identified. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) is the highway authority they will consider how development affects road safety and may place conditions on the developer. They also consider traffic in the area as a whole and not Fiskerton in isolation.
Not necessarily, evidence suggests the figure is likely to be less than 400. Using current statistics it is forecast that the proposed development will generate during the AM peak period 113 two way vehicle movements and during the PM peak period 117 two way vehicle movements.
Simple Answer NO! Flooding is always a risk no matter where you live, after prolonged heavy rain, all areas are at risk even the water and drainage authorities acknowledge this as a fact. However it is possible to ensure that new development does not increase flood risk and in fact lessen where possible the existing risk.
Extract from policy 8
Development should not increase flood risk. Planning applications for development within the Neighbourhood Plan area must be accompanied by a site-specific flood risk assessment in line with the requirements of national policy and advice.
All proposals must demonstrate that flood risk will not be increased elsewhere and that the proposed development is appropriately flood resilient and resistant.
Information accompanying the application should demonstrate how any mitigation measures will be satisfactorily integrated into the design and layout of the development. The use of sustainable urban drainage systems and permeable surfaces will be encouraged where appropriate.
Central Lincolnshire Local Plan guidance suggests at least 90 dwellings will be built anyway, 200 dwellings over 20 years brings additional planning gain over those years. 200 homes will also help to sustain and grow local amenities including the village school, village hall and scouts facilities, village shop, pub and future bus services. The growth of the village by 200 dwellings will also ensure the younger generation will have somewhere to live in the village and allow new young families to come here to live.
The plan has been prepared and the necessary consultation period has ended. The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group will present their plan to the parish council. At this point the work of the NPG is substantially complete. If the Parish council accept the plan it will be submitted to WLDC, the Local Planning Authority, They will have the proposed NDP examined by an independent examiner to ensure compliance with both National Planning and Local Planning Legislation. WLDC will then set up a Referendum of Fiskerton Parish residents.
Yes, when the plan has been accepted by the planning inspectorate, WLDC will conduct a referendum asking the residents of Fiskerton whether they want to accept the plan or not. If the NDP is accepted then it will become the guide for planning in the village for the next 20 years. If it is rejected then the village will have to rely on the local planning authority to deal with any planning issues against the Local Plan and residents will have to accept their decisions on the future of Fiskerton.
Unfortunately this is rather subjective and it depends on who you talk to. The NDP has to deal with evidence and the factual evidence based on the information collected by the NPG indicates otherwise and that is what has influenced the NPG. The aim is to produce a plan that meets the majority of the residents’ wishes but it must be evidence based.
At the 6 open meetings prior to March 2016, developing to west was not mentioned. It was first mentioned at an open meeting on the 16th March. At the NPG meeting 12.4.16 it was agreed by all the group that the area to the west of the village should be protected as green corridor. Cllr Darcel was present at that meeting and had prepared diagrams showing a green corridor to the west. At the same meeting it was also agreed that the preferred site for development was North of Ferry Road.
At the open meeting on the 19th May 2016 there was strong representation from residents to consider the west, no vote was taken as at that time the landowners, the Church Commissioners, were adamant that the land to the West was not available. It was not till early September that the CCs stated that the west could be considered and may be available at sometime in the future. As a result of this, options for both west and the north sites were further developed and during the public consultation through November and December both possible sites were presented. The results of this consultation, which are based on the responses provided by the residents, showed that they favoured the option North of Ferry Road as did the professional consultees. This evidence is available on the website.
All possible options were given due consideration and were examined by independent professionals. Their findings are presented in the Site Selection Document and the Sustainability Appraisal. Both documents are available on the website.
They are.
The ballot responses collected on 16.8.16 were in favour of development to the North of Ferry Road so this option was taken forward into the Plan. These were published on the website, on Facebook and in the Parish news.
The results of the consultation that ended on December 20th 2016 have been placed on the website.
Simply ? Because the village told us they want it. The Paddock has been on the wish list of the village for a very long time. Residents have repeatedly expressed their desire for it to be accessible and the Parish council has for many years tried to achieve this desire for the village.
Do we have to have a plan?
No, but without a plan the village has to rely on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and we will not have as much say as we would with a plan.
Not having a plan does not mean there would be no building to the North, unfortunately it would mean that all sites would be available so that in time, there would possibly be building on the North, the West and possibly elsewhere too.
Not having a plan does not mean there would only be 90 houses in the village, that number comes from the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and it is the anticipated growth. It is not a maximum number and developers are not constrained by it as they want to make their projects viable, sustainable and profitable.
With a plan, the community will benefit from approx 14.5% open space for new developments and that rises to approx 26% if the Paddock is acquired. Without a plan that figure is just 10%
The Community infrastructure Levy will generate an average of £2400 for each house for WLDC. Of this, with a NDP the parish would receive a 25% share per dwelling = £600 and without a NDP the parish would receive a 15% share per dwelling = £360