Final Draft plan

Please find below copies of the village survey and the survey results. The actual Neighbourhood Plan is currently under review to align it with these results.

NOTE: All documents below this note are under review. This page will be updated in due course.

final Fiskerton NP BCS 2019 Fiskerton Consultation Statement final 2019 (Un-named) Fiskerton SEA Scoping Report 190129 FISKERTON DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN 2019 FNP SA Report 190430 FNP SA Report NTS 190430 Fiskerton NDP October 2018 (Regulation14 Edition) Fiskerton Consultation (December 2016) Summary (Feb 17) Fiskerton Consultation Summary February 17 Fiskerton Housing Needs Survey 06/16 2016 Site-Assessments-Fiskerton-1116-V2 Revision Checked 2018 Exec Summary October 2018 Fiskerton Reg 14 Consultation Response Form V2 – Word version 11/16 NPG Consultation Response assessment (February 2017) Fiskerton Consultation Statement (February 2017) Fiskerton Neighbourhood plan FAQs PC Open Letter V2 Response to OF Pamphlet -Jan18

There are also a number of supporting documents from the Church Commisioners which can be viewed  HERE 

What happens next ?

This revue of the final draft plan is for anyone associated with the Parish, including landowners, clubs, societies and government bodies and agencies. The parish council will review comments made.

Later there will be an additional consultation run by WLDC. After this, the Plan will be formally ‘examined’ by a planning examiner to ensure it is fully fit for purpose, and after that there will be a referendum for villagers to vote to approve and accept the final Plan. Then it comes into use.

Give us your Views

We would like to hear your views, you can email us on the address below with any questions or comments, using this email address  or use the Contact Form  here