14/12/11 Villagers’ joy at bus link to GPs’ surgery in Nettleham

Villagers’ joy at bus link to GPs’ surgery in Nettleham

A bus service giving villagers a direct link to their doctors’ surgery will start within days.

PC Coaches has agreed to operate the 4b Nettleham to Cherry Willingham route from Monday, December 12,

This follows a summer consultation by the bus company, which called on people to tell them where they wanted new services.

Cherry Willingham Parish Council made representations to the firm for a service connecting residents to Nettleham, where the main doctors’ surgery for residents is located.

Following weeks of planning, an agreement has been reached and the route will see buses leave North Greetwell from 9.15am and run via Cherry Willingham, Fiskerton and Reepham.

Phil Shirley, PC Coaches operations manager, said: “Currently there is no direct service.

“This is something the council came to us with to see if we would look at it.

“It’s viable so we have done it for them. There’s a use it or lose it element.

“There’s no set period but it will be reviewed after three months and we will keep monitoring its progress and work with the parish council.

“We thought if people told us what they wanted then we are halfway there to providing a service as there are people that want it.”

Mr Shirley added discussions were continuing with a couple more parish and town councils about establishing new services.

Cherry Willingham resident Dave Holmes, 25, said: “I think this will be a welcome service.

“Opening hours for the Cherry Willingham surgery are limited at best and extending that would have been better.

“But people have to rely on the Nettleham branch and as many residents are elderly, the distance is a pain.

“This bus service should help greatly.”